Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Birth of a Nation, and a Little More

Independence Day was July 4, the day the Declaration of Independence was printed. We know that. We had a holiday and picnics and fireworks. But they weren't finished with it yet. The document was distributed to all thirteen states to be. It was first printed for the new nation on July 6 in the Philadelphia Evening Post. But they still weren't finished with it yet.

Today is the anniversary of the first public readings. Col. John Nixon 'proclaimed' independence at the State House in Philadelphia. It was read again on the Commons, then all over the city, then other cities. Bells were ringing all day.

Independence had been documented and proclaimed. The nation was born.

Today is the anniversary of more significant US history.

John Marshall was buried. Marshall was an American statesman who served in Congress, worked for Presidents, and instrumental in constitutional law. He was the 4th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, serving longer than any Chief Justice before or after. He died July 6, 1835, and was buried July 8.

Remember when the bells rang and the Declaration was proclaimed in 1776? One of those bells was rung for John Marshall on the day he was buried -- and it CRACKED! Hmmm. That precious bell was to be known as the Liberty Bell*.


July 8. The day the Declaration of Independence had its first public readings. The day the Liberty Bell cracked.

*The bell was actually named by the abolitionist movement in the 1830s.

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