Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Banned Books Week -- Day 5

Amnesty International takes advantage of Banned Books Week to highlight individuals who are persecuted because of the writings that they produce, circulate or read.

This year the list includes people who are journalists, publishers and poets, both male and female, from countries such as Russia, Ethiopia, China and Tunisia. Some are prisoners of conscience, on trial or already sentenced, detained or on probation. Their crimes include writing articles against torture, calling for peace, or simply sending e-mails.

For details about their cases or possible action on their behalf, visit Amnesty International. They offer two posters for downloading, including the one above, created by student Camden Forgia from Arizona State University.

Be sure to exercise your freedom by reading about censorship or writing about a subject important to you. And while you’re at it, take a chance and send an e-mail.

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