Sunday, May 21, 2006

Politicians say, “Get married or get out."

Not long ago, I read about Kanab, Utah, where the city passed an ordinance saying the traditional two-parent (man and woman) family is the “first responsibility” of the city. The “natural family” ordinance went even further by restricting the number of dogs the acceptable family could house.

Now there is another city regulating a family. Black Jack, Missouri, has an ordinance that prohibits more than three people from living together unless they are related by “blood, marriage or adoption.” A recent proposal that would have included unmarried couples with two or more children was defeated. Those who do not satisfy the town’s limited definition could soon face eviction.

Manassas, Virginia, defines a family as immediate family members only, specifically omitting nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Provo, Utah, is considering a family tied by blood, marriage, adoption or other legal means.

It's hard to believe how intrusive some city governments are in this Land of the Free. I remember popular TV shows whose families wouldn't stand a chance in some of our "modern-day" government-restricted lifestyles.
Kate and Allie - single mothers sharing expenses and resposibilities
Who's the Boss - single mother not married to single father housekeeper with grandmother over the garage
Fresh Prince of Bel Air - nephew in the house
Golden Girls - four older women sharing expenses
Full House - single father with children, married brother-in-law with children, friend

In these days of single parents, troubled families, aging population and high prices, creative living arrangements are a good solution.

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Michael said...

That's truly ridiculous, but your points with the TV shows is pure genius!

Vicki said...

Thanks, Michael. Yes, it is truly ridiculous . . .
AND . . .
as I was reading about these stupid regulations -- and more -- I kept thinking of very popular and log-running TV shows.

Just another example of the "I like it, but not in my backyard" philosophy.