Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Amnesty and Human Rights

Today is Amnesty International Day, always observed May 28.

In case you don't know what about that organization, it is explained in a clear, complete, and concise manner in thr first sentence of their mission statement:
"We are people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights."

Any questions?

Read about what they are doing and how you can participate by visiting the Amnesty International (AI) website. Human rights around the world are the business of all humans around the world. Current spotlights focus on the Beijing Olympics, abolishing the death penalty, and more. They highlight individual cases and events, including achievements such as the fact that Pakistan ratified UN human rights treaties.

Being a woman writer, I am especially interested in censorship and women's rights. I wrote about censorship on the "Bloggers Unite for Human Rights" day. I would also point out the project to Stop Violence Against Women and the (CEDAW) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

Celebrate Amnesty International Day by learning about human rights and becoming active in the cause of your choice. Or select a region or country and see what is happening there. At the very least, ensure you do not violate any rights today.

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